Privacy Policy

In AlMONT we respect your privacy and therefore are committed to protect information that identifies or is capable of identifying an individual (“personal data”), which it collects, uses and/or has access to.

With this Privacy Policy we want to ensure that you receive adequate information about our collecting and processing of your personal data, including such information we are obliged to inform you about according to applicable personal data protection regulation incl. the EU Regulation No. 2016/679 the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Your comments and feedback are always welcome.


 Identity of the Controller(s) and how to contact the Controller

If you have any questions or need to get in contact with us we urge you to contact us through our Customer Care representatives either by;


Letter: 28 rue Denis Papin,

 Fleury Les Aubrais, p

ostcode: 45400,



When you interact with us we will collect personal data about you, and use it for various purposes, such as operating this website, enabling you to make use of our various services and getting in contact with us etc.

If you are asked to provide information, then it is optional for you to disclose such information. The information might, however, be needed for statutory, contractual or practical reasons. We will always clearly indicate whether the information is mandatory. If you refrain from disclosing information which we deem as mandatory, as a consequence it may be that we will not be able to provide you with the services you have requested.

How we collect and use your personal data depends on how you interact with us, and which services you make use of.

In ALMONT, we like strongly believe in the protection of the personal data in our custody and control, and thus we have implemented what we believe are appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect this personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Below you can read more about how we collect and process your personal data in different situations, including the general categories of personal data being processed; the source of the personal data that we do not directly obtain from you; the purposes for which personal data is being processed; and the legal basis for the processing.

Cookie Information

This website uses 1st and 3rd party cookies to optimize your user experience, and for statistical and marketing purposes. Read more about the cookies and how you can administer and reject these in our Cookie Declaration.

When you contact us either through one of our Customer Care representatives, or e-mail us with a comment or questions we will retain and use such information in order to respond to your request. You may be asked for further information that identifies you, such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number and country for the purpose of being able to answer your questions etc. We might also request other information, which might be needed to reply to your request. It is always optional for you what information you chose to provide us with. However, please note that in case we do not have sufficient information to process your request, then it might have as a consequence, that we will not be able to accommodate your request. The Legal basis for this processing is GDPR art. 6(1) f) our legitimate interests namely in providing customer services, understanding customer behaviour and interests and establishing, exercising and/or defending legal claims.

We might also request other information including health data, biometric data or special categories of data, if you have made a claim against us, and the information is needed for establishing, exercising or defending the claim. The legal basis for this is GDPR art. 9(1) f) namely that the processing is necessary for establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.


Your personal data will be held by us and kept in a form, which permits identification of you for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is collected and legitimately processed. This implies that we will keep and process your personal data as long as we are providing services to you and also keep it afterwards for as long as would be needed for the settlement of any potential disputes that may be raised afterwards or as long as the law otherwise provides for. Thereafter, we will either delete your personal data or anonymise it so that it no longer can be used to identify you. We will delete any information, which according to our reasonable assessment seems to be inaccurate or out of date by reason of the time elapsed since it was collected or by reason of any other information in our possession.


We may provide links to third party websites. These linked websites are not under our control, and we therefore cannot accept responsibility or liability for the conduct of third parties linked to our websites. Before disclosing your personal data on any other website, we advise you to examine the terms and conditions of using that website and its privacy policies.
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to add, modify or remove portions of this Privacy Policy in the future to ensure that the information herein provides relevant and adequate information about our collecting and processing of your personal data.

This Privacy Policy may be supplemented by other information received from us or another ALMONT Affiliates and other terms and conditions applicable to this website or which you have agreed to as part of interacting with us or another ALMONT Affiliate.

If you have consented to receive newsletters and other information from us, we will also inform you directly about any updates to this Privacy Policy through e-mail.

Version 11/2023